Intermittent fasting

Things you should never do while intermittent fasting

Health Knowledge

Intermittent fasting or IF is one of the best and popular ways to lose weight and it really does work. But its effectiveness depends on your commitment to follow particular rules. And if you feel uncertain about doing it correctly, check out here the list of things you should never do while intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting - IF

Things you should never do while intermittent fasting

Check out below the things you should never do while intermittent fasting.

1. Starting an IF plan without consulting your doctor.

Intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone. So, you should not decide on your own without getting the advice from a doctor especially if you have serious health problems.

intermittent fasting - without consulting your doctor


2. Not drinking enough water

Water is a basic and important need for our body especially when you are fasting. Intermittent fasting requires about 12 – 18 hours of refraining from food and your body will need water during this period. You should never overlook drinking water during the fast and it will help in cut off your hunger also.

intermittent fasting - water

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3. Overeating

You will get hungry during intermittent hungry and you have to control yourself. After fasting, you should not be overeating. Try to eat a balanced diet to see the desired results.

intermittent fasting - balanced diet


4. Drinking liquid calories

You think that you can drink as much we can during fasting. But, this fact is valid only for non- caloric beverages like tea, coffee, and water without sugar. You should not drink high calories liquid such as protein shakes, milk, fruit shakes or etc.

intermittent fasting - say not to tea and coffee

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5. Obsessing over food

You may be thinking more about food during fasting hours. But you will make your things harder by doing so. Your brain can’t think of anything else. So, it is better to distract yourself from hunger by finding new hobbies or work like shopping, painting or anything you love to do.

intermittent fasting - distract yourself

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6. Overdoing workouts

Exercise plays a very important role in losing weight but you should not go for over excess exercise. Workout during fasting could be harmful as you don’t have enough energy to exercise and make yourself stay from food can make things worse. Don’t force yourself to work out during fasting hours.


7. Make the easiest proper plan for intermittent fasting

You need to lose weight and it needs patience. To lose weight as soon as possible does not mean that you have to choose the hardest diet plan. As you have different lifestyles, habits and eating plans, consider yourself a beginner and start from the initial stage to lose weight with fasting.

weight loss with intermittent fasting


“Intermittent fasting is such a best way to lose weight. So, try it yourself, shed your pounds and have a fit body.”

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