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Wedding in the time of Covid 19 – Benefit or Loss?

Health Knowledge Lifestyle

India, Covid-19 has hit the weddings and because of social distancing rules, it is very tough for Indian parents to plan a wedding at this time. It may also affect financially because some families invested a very high amount on the preparation of marriage functions. But, the Indian government has put on many restrictions, and also social distancing is a must in this pandemic which led to cancellation and postponement of many weddings.

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Weddings at this time is not a good idea

We know that for Indians, a marriage is a big fat function and it takes lots of time to complete a wedding and when everyone is emotionally attached then it becomes very difficult to hold this. Many future brides and grooms got a major heartbreak because of this on-going situation.

For the sake of people’s lives, it is important that we follow the government rules and avoid any function which can cause gatherings. Some have found the alternative of this and done marriages through video calls.

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Indian wedding industries incur big losses

Many Indian matchmaking and matrimonial portals such as,, and Bharat Matrimony got huge losses because of sudden cancellations of weddings. Though, has come up with an idea of “wedding from home” in which this matrimonial site will arrange Panditjis, Maulvis and Priests for rituals via video-conferences.

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It is true that many wedding industries are trying to do minimize their losses due to lockdowns but in this Covid-19 pandemic, it is better that we follow all government instructions and avoid any social gathering function.

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