Wash your hand properly with soap and also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer

How deadly is a Coronavirus and what are its symptoms & preventions?

Health Knowledge

The epidemic of Coronavirus has taken many lives all over the world. It started in china and now reached everywhere. Many researchers say that this virus is the deadliest one. The new name of coronavirus is COVID-19; CO stands for corona, VI for the virus, and D for disease and 19 refers to 2019 novel coronavirus. There are crown-like spikes on the surface of viruses as shown below:


How Coronavirus infections spread?

  • By coughing or sneezing by an infected person
  • If you touch an object or surface of having a virus on it
  • In very rare cases, feces of the coronavirus-infected person also can spread infections.

Touching or shaking hands also can spread this virus. Old and very young people are more vulnerable to this virus. It is necessary that you keep away yourself if someone is coughing, use mask and also avoid handshake as this virus can spread even with a light touch. If you accidentally touch someone, then don’t rub your face as these viruses can come inside of your body through eyes or mouth. For safety, keep a hand sanitizer with you.

Coronavirus disease

 Visit here: Easy Way to Treat Your Cold and Flu at Home

What are the Symptoms of Coronavirus?

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Breathing Problems

The symptoms of Coronavirus start to appear in 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. In severe cases, COVID-19 can also cause organ failure and older people or who have an existing medical issue such as heart problems are at high risk of having coronavirus.

How to prevent yourself?

  • Stay away from traveling anywhere if you are sick.

Coronavirus if you are sick

  • Disinfect that surface which you often most.

Disinfect that surface which you often most

  • Don’t share your glasses, dishes and other household items.

Coronavirus - Don't share

  • Avoid touching someone who is sick.Avoid touching someone who is sick
  • Wash your hand properly with soap and also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Wash your hand properly with soap and also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer


The above points are well-elaborated for your safety and preventions Coronavirus. This is important that you know everything about this safe to keep yourself and your family from this virus. Be safe.

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