
Concept of Parabrahman in Hindu Texts


Parabrahman in Hindu texts is described as the “Highest Brahman” and formless which eternally pervades everything and everywhere in the universe. Para in Sanskrit defines the highest or supreme form.


In Hindu scriptures, Parabrahman is explained in different forms. It is conceptualized in different ways such as Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman.  In three sects; Vaishnavism, Shaktism, and Shaivism; Vishnu, Shakti, and Shiva respectively are considered as Parabrahman.


In Vedas, Brahman is an important aspect which means “Highest Universal Principle” or the ultimate reality in the universe. Advaita Vedanta literature also includes the term “Para Brahman” which symbolizes the Brahman as the Divine or Atman (innermost self).

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