wedding in the covid 19 (5)

Wedding in the time of Covid 19 – Benefit or Loss?

India, Covid-19 has hit the weddings and because of social distancing rules, it is very tough for Indian parents to plan a wedding at this time. It may also affect financially because some families invested a very high amount on the preparation of marriage functions. But, the Indian government has put on many restrictions, and […]

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covid 19

Should the Covid19 test be a must before every major surgery in the future?

Covid-19 pandemic is one of the major setbacks on the humankind. This time has changed our perspective towards future life and maybe in upcoming times, we see many changes in medical terms. Even, some researchers are saying that this pandemic will affect us for a longer period, and in the future, we need to follow […]

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Wash your hand properly with soap and also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer

How deadly is a Coronavirus and what are its symptoms & preventions?

The epidemic of Coronavirus has taken many lives all over the world. It started in china and now reached everywhere. Many researchers say that this virus is the deadliest one. The new name of coronavirus is COVID-19; CO stands for corona, VI for the virus, and D for disease and 19 refers to 2019 novel […]

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how to prevent miscarriage

How to prevent miscarriage during pregnancy?

Most miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy. Unluckily, there is nothing that can be done for the prevention of miscarriages caused by genetic abnormalities. However, not all miscarriages are caused by genetic deformities. If you have had a miscarriage, consult with your doctor to determine and conclude the reason for […]

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coffee during pregnancy

7 Facts About Things To Avoid During Pregnancy That Will Make You Think Twice

Pregnancy is one of the most important and beautiful periods in a woman’s life. Therefore, it is very crucial for pregnant women to eat a well healthy diet. Expecting mothers should pay close attention to what they eat and ensure to avoid such things, foods, and beverages that could harm her or her child. Here […]

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Intermittent fasting

Things you should never do while intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting or IF is one of the best and popular ways to lose weight and it really does work. But its effectiveness depends on your commitment to follow particular rules. And if you feel uncertain about doing it correctly, check out here the list of things you should never do while intermittent fasting. Things […]

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What drug is used to treat Narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is known to be an incurable sleep disorder. However, narcolepsy can be reduced.  If you are suffering from narcolepsy, you will realize that you have a problem with your onset and offset eye movement.  The primary symptoms of narcolepsy include; excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hypnologic, and sleep paralysis. If you want to solve your […]

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