covid 19

Should the Covid19 test be a must before every major surgery in the future?

Health Knowledge

Covid-19 pandemic is one of the major setbacks on the humankind. This time has changed our perspective towards future life and maybe in upcoming times, we see many changes in medical terms. Even, some researchers are saying that this pandemic will affect us for a longer period, and in the future, we need to follow some procedures to vanish this virus completely.

covid 19 testing

Check here: How deadly is a Coronavirus and what are its symptoms & preventions?

Changes in Medical procedures

As we are getting news that Covid-19 is difficult to detect in some cases and also some cases are mild or asymptomatic which makes our researchers think that maybe there are silent carriers around us and also they can be very dangerous. To stop this spread may be in the future, everyone has to go through Covid-19 testing before any surgery or operation.

covid 19 test


Right now, to pass a statement on testing before every surgery is a tough call but it cannot rule out that to save human lives a drastic change can happen in the coming time. This tough time has taught us to be prepared for the future. Maybe after 2-3 years, we see some changes, and in case of any new change in medical work; we should welcome this for the people all around the world.

See here: Why coronavirus cases are rapidly increasing in the USA?


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