ashtanga yoga

Get to know about Ashtanga Yoga?

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In Patanjali yoga sutra, Ashtanga yoga is the eightfold path of a meaningful and purposeful life. This yoga is of eight steps consists; Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.

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  • Yama deals with ethical standards. It focuses on behaviour and integrity. By this, you will also learn to conduct yourself in life.
  • Niyama is the second step of Ashtanga yoga and teaches us about self-discipline.
  • Asanas come at 3rd which are postures in yoga and defines the body as the temple, the care of which is very important for the inner growth.
  • Pranayama is the breath control and forms a connection between breath, mind, and emotions.
  • Pratyahara is the 5th limb which means sensory transcendence.
  • Dharana means to focus on a single point. This concentration turns into a meditation.
  • Dhyana is the 7th stage which is the uninterrupted flow of concentration.
  • Samadhi is the last step which includes a state of ecstasy.

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Above are the eight stages of Ashtanga yoga which is also known as an eight-limbed yoga. These eight steps serve as a prescription of morals, ethics, and self-discipline.

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