5-minute exercises that anyone can do

Health Knowledge

The main excuse of all people is that they do not have time or they feel very tired in the morning to do any heavy workout, but you can still do some light exercises which only will take your 5 minutes. Here, look for 5-minute exercises:

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Pelvic curls

5 minute exercises - 2

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In this exercise, you need to lie down on the floor and then bend your knees with both feet on the floor. Make some space between the feet and your arms should be at rest on the sides. Now, raise your hip towards the ceiling; it will create a bridge beneath. Return back to the normal position and repeat this 10 times.

Tricep dips

5 minute exercises - 3

Here, grip the front edges of a bench or chair with hands. Hang your butt just off in front of the chair with straight arms. Bent your legs so that your thighs can be in parallel to the floor. Dip your hips until your arms form a 90-degree angle. Repeat this procedure for 10-15 times.

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Basic back extension

5 minute exercises- 4

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For this exercise, lie down on the mat on your stomach. Straight your legs and place your elbows on the ground with shoulders down. Lift your upper back and press your hips down. You can lift your head, neck, and chest and hold for 30 seconds. Do this in 3 sets.



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